3.4. Expert Tools

If you are knowledgeable with SUSE LINUX and already have a very clear idea of what needs to be repaired in your system, directly apply the tools necessary for repairing it by choosing Expert tools.

Install new boot loader

This starts the YaST boot loader configuration module. Details can be found in Section 4.8.4. “Configuring the Boot Loader with YaST”

Run partitioning tool

This starts the expert partitioning tool in YaST. Details can be found in Section 2.5.5. “Expert Partitioning with YaST”

Fix file system

This allows checking the file systems of your installed system. You are first offered a selection of all detected partitions and can then choose the ones to check.

Restore lost partitions

It is possible to attempt a reconstruction of damaged partition tables. A list of detected hard disks is presented first for selection. Clicking OK starts the examination. This can take a while depending on the processing power and size of the hard disk.


The reconstruction of a partition table is tricky. YaST attempts to recognize lost partitions by analyzing the data sectors of the hard disk. The lost partitions are added to the rebuilt partition table upon successful recognition. This is, however, not successful in all imaginable cases.

Save system settings to disk

This option allows saving important system files to a floppy disk. Should one of these files become damaged, it can be restored from disk.

Check installed software

This checks the consistency of the package database and the availability of the most important packages. Any damaged installed packages can be reinstalled with this tool.