Chapter 4. YaST — Configuration

Table of Contents

4.1. Starting YaST
4.2. The YaST Control Center
4.3. Software
4.4. Hardware
4.5. Network Devices
4.6. Network Services
4.7. Security and Users
4.8. System
4.9. Miscellaneous
4.10. YaST2 in Text Mode (ncurses)


YaST, the setup tool used for the installation, is also the configuration tool for SUSE LINUX. This chapter covers the configuration of your system with YaST. This includes most of the hardware, the graphical user interface, Internet access, security settings, user administration, installation of software, system updates, and system information. This chapter also provides instructions for using YaST in text mode.

4.1. Starting YaST

System configuration with YaST uses various YaST modules serving different purposes, such as the configuration of the keyboard or the selection of the system language. These modules can be accessed in various ways. An overview of all modules is available in the YaST Control Center, which can be started from the SUSE menu, the SUSE icon at the bottom left of your KDE panel. Select SUSE -> System -> YaST. The individual modules can also be accessed from the KDE Control Center. If you use KDE, you can also start YaST by pressing Alt + F2. In the window that opens, enter kdesu /sbin/yast2 and confirm with Enter. If you do not want to start the graphical version of YaST, enter /sbin/yast instead of /sbin/yast2. YaST then runs in console mode as described in Section 4.10. “YaST2 in Text Mode (ncurses)”.

As these start methods are usually used by a normal user, YaST opens a small dialog for entering the root password. root privileges are required for all YaST modules, as only this user is permitted to modify the Linux system files.

If, for any reason, YaST cannot be started as described above, it can be started from the command line. In the shell, change to the user root with sux. Enter the root password and run the command yast2.


To change the language of YaST, select System -> Select Language in the YaST Control Center. Choose a language, exit the YaST Control Center, log out from your computer, then log in and restart YaST.