#!/usr/bin/python # This script takes some atomic symbols # on the command line. For each symbol, # it prints the atomic element's name, and # boiling point (to 2 decimal places), # e.g. for the symbol 'H', print: # hydrogen has a boiling point of 20.28K # Finally, it tells you which of the given # atomic elements has the lowest atomic # number. # The keys of this dictionary are the # symbols for the atomic elements. # The values are tuples: # (name, atomic number, boiling point) chemicals = { 'H': ('hydrogen', 1, 20.28), 'He': ('helium', 2, 4.22), 'Li': ('lithium', 3, 1615.0), 'Be': ('beryllium', 4, 2742.0), 'B': ('boron', 5, 4200.0), 'C': ('carbon', 6, 5100.0), 'N': ('nitrogen', 7, 77.36), 'O': ('oxygen', 8, 90.20), 'F': ('fluorine', 9, 85.03), 'Ne': ('neon', 10, 27.07), 'Na': ('sodium', 11, 1156.0), 'Mg': ('magnesium', 12, 1363.0), 'Al': ('aluminium', 13, 2792.0), 'Si': ('silicon', 14, 3538.0), 'P': ('phosphorus', 15, 553.0), 'S': ('sulphur', 16, 717.8), 'Cl': ('chlorine', 17, 239.11), 'Ar': ('argon', 18, 87.30), 'K': ('potassium', 19, 1032.0), 'Ca': ('calcium', 20, 1757.0), 'Sc': ('scandium', 21, 3109.0), 'Ti': ('titanium', 22, 3560.0), 'V': ('vanadium', 23, 3680.0), 'Cr': ('chromium', 24, 2944.0), 'Mn': ('manganese', 25, 2334.0), 'Fe': ('iron', 26, 3134.0), 'Co': ('cobalt', 27, 3200.0), 'Ni': ('nickel', 28, 3186.0), 'Cu': ('copper', 29, 2835.0), 'Zn': ('zinc', 30, 1180.0), 'Ga': ('gallium', 31, 2477.0), 'Ge': ('germanium', 32, 3106.0), 'As': ('arsenic', 33, 887.0), 'Se': ('selenium', 34, 958.0), 'Br': ('bromine', 35, 332.0), 'Kr': ('krypton', 36, 119.93), 'Rb': ('rubidium', 37, 961.0), 'Sr': ('strontium', 38, 1655.0), 'Y': ('yttrium', 39, 3609.0), 'Zr': ('zirconium', 40, 4682.0), 'Nb': ('niobium', 41, 5017.0), 'Mo': ('molybdenum', 42, 4912.0), 'Tc': ('technetium', 43, 5150.0), 'Ru': ('ruthenium', 44, 4423.0), 'Rh': ('rhodium', 45, 3968.0), 'Pd': ('palladium', 46, 3236.0), 'Ag': ('silver', 47, 2435.0), 'Cd': ('cadmium', 48, 1040.0), 'In': ('indium', 49, 2345.0), 'Sn': ('tin', 50, 2875.0), 'Sb': ('antimony', 51, 1860.0), 'Te': ('tellurium', 52, 1261.0), 'I': ('iodine', 53, 457.4), 'Xe': ('xenon', 54, 165.03), 'Cs': ('caesium', 55, 944.0), 'Ba': ('barium,', 56, 2170.0), 'La': ('lanthanum', 57, 3737.0), 'Ce': ('cerium', 58, 3716.0), 'Pr': ('praesodymium', 59, 3793.0), 'Nd': ('neodymium', 60, 3347.0), 'Pm': ('promethium', 61, 3273.0), 'Sm': ('samarium', 62, 2067.0), 'Eu': ('europium', 63, 1802.0), 'Gd': ('gadolinium', 64, 3546.0), 'Tb': ('terbium', 65, 3503.0), 'Dy': ('dysprosium', 66, 2840.0), 'Ho': ('holmium', 67, 2993.0), 'Er': ('erbium', 68, 3503.0), 'Tm': ('thulium', 69, 2223.0), 'Yb': ('ytterbium', 70, 1469.0), 'Lu': ('lutetium', 71, 3675.0), 'Hf': ('hafnium', 72, 4876.0), 'Ta': ('tantalum', 73, 5731.0), 'W': ('tungsten', 74, 5930.0), 'Re': ('rhenium', 75, 5900.0), 'Os': ('osmium', 76, 5285.0), 'Ir': ('iridium', 77, 4701.0), 'Pt': ('platinum', 78, 4098.0), 'Au': ('gold', 79, 3129.0), 'Hg': ('mercury', 80, 630.0), 'Tl': ('thallium', 81, 1746.0), 'Pb': ('lead', 82, 2022.0), 'Bi': ('bismuth', 83, 1837.0), 'Po': ('polonium', 84, 1235.0), 'At': ('astatine', 85, 610.0), 'Rn': ('radon', 86, 211.3), 'Fr': ('francium', 87, 950.0), 'Ra': ('radium', 88, 2010.0), 'Ac': ('actinium', 89, 3471.0), 'Th': ('thorium', 90, 5061.0), 'Pa': ('protactinium', 91, 4300.0), 'U': ('uranium', 92, 4404.0), }