2. Conventions and Abbreviations

The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:

Font StyleMeaning
YaSTThis font is used to indicate a program name.
/etc/passwdThis font is used to specify a file or directory.
placeholderThe character string placeholder (including angle brackets) should be replaced by the actual value.
PATHThis indicates an environment variable called PATH. value of a variable.
lsSpecifies a command to enter.
userThis style refers to a user.
AltThis symbol indicates a key to press.
Ctrl-Alt-DelThis indicates two or more keys to press simultaneously.
Permission deniedThis is a system message.
Update systemMenu option or button.

The manual uses the following naming conventions and abbreviations for the hardware architectures supported by SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server:

AbbreviationFull Name or Processor Name
EM64tIntel EM64T
IPFIntel Itanium Processor Family
S/390IBM S/390
zSeriesIBM zSeries

To indicate differences between the individual platforms in continuous text, the authors use the conventions listed below. The type of identifier depends on the amount of divergent information. Here are a few brief examples:

If only a few words or characters within a sentence or section are different, the difference is worked into the continuous text without any further identifier.

[Tip]zSeries: A Brief Tip

Brief tips, notes, or warnings that apply exclusively to one or more architectures are identified by the platform abbreviation followed by the actual title of the note.

AMD64: A Section That Applies to AMD64 Only

If a complete section of a chapter is concerned with a single platform, this is introduced, as in the case of tips, notes, and warnings, by the platform abbreviation in the title, so the table of contents for the manual reflects this difference.

Labeling of screenshots and examples of code are provided in similar fashion — the relevant caption or example title is preceded by the platform abbreviation. If no abbreviation is used, the information may be assumed to be valid for all platforms.