The Desktop

Your first view of GNOME will look something like Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1. A GNOME Desktop

The desktop, which is also sometimes referred to as the workspace, is the area on which you run your applications and perform all your work. On your desktop are launchers and folders (see Figure 2-2, for example).

Figure 2-2. Folders and Launchers on the Desktop

Double-click on a launcher to start the associated file (see Figure 2-2). If it's an application, it will start; if it's data, that data will be displayed in its associated program (a spreadsheet, for example, will open in Gnumeric).

Launchers can also be shortcuts to websites. By double-clicking on the launcher labeled Red Hat Support on your desktop, for example, your Netscape browser will open and go to Red Hat's online support site.