7.4. Contacts

Evolution can use several different address books. Available books are listed in the left frame. Search for a particular contact using the search bar. Add contacts in several formats to the Evolution address book using File+Import. Right-click a contact to open a menu in which to select from a variety of options, such as forwarding the contact or saving it as a vCard. Double-click a contact to edit it.

Figure 7.2. The Evolution Address Book

The Evolution Address Book

7.4.1. Adding Contacts

Along with the name and e-mail address, Evolution can store other address and contact information about a person. The e-mail address of a sender can quickly be added by right-clicking the marked address in the message preview. To enter a completely new contact, click New Contact in the Contacts view. Both methods open a dialog in which to enter contact information.

In the Contact tab, enter the contact's name, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and instant messaging identities. Personal Information is for Web addresses and other detailed information. Enter the contact's other address information in Mailing Address. After entering all desired details for the contact, click OK to add it to the address book.

7.4.2. Making a List

If you frequently send e-mail messages to a group of people, make this easier by creating a list. Click File+New+Contact List. The contact list editor opens. Enter a name for the list. Add addresses by typing the address in the box and clicking Add or by dragging contacts from the Contacts view and dropping them in the box. Toggle Hide addresses to select whether the recipients can see who else has received the mail. Click OK when finished. The list is now one of your contacts and appears in the composition window after the first few letters are typed.

7.4.3. Adding Address Books

Configure additional GroupWise and Exchange address books in the account configuration for that account. To add additional local or LDAP books, select File+New+Address Book. In the dialog that opens, select the type and enter the required information.

SUSE LINUX User Guide 9.3