A.5. Applications

How can I install applications?

Applications included in the SUSE LINUX CDs are best installed with YaST.

How can I enter commands in GNOME or KDE?

In KDE, click the screen with shell icon in the panel to start the Bash shell. Alternative terminals can be started via the main menu. In GNOME, select a terminal from the main menu. To run a single command in KDE or GNOME, press Alt-F2 then enter the command.

I cannot find many programs in GNOME or KDE.

You can start all programs from a terminal window by entering the program name and pressing Enter.

How do I connect to the Internet in Linux?

Section, “KInternet—Connecting to the Internet” provides information about this. Alternatively, use QInternet.

Can I copy and paste in Linux?

Yes, this is possible. Highlight the text block by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button then insert by clicking with the middle mouse button. The right mouse button has a special function in most programs and applications.

How can I switch from a virtual text console to the graphical user interface?

By default, there are six virtual text consoles that can be accessed with Ctrl-Alt-F1 to F6. Press Alt-F7 to go to the graphical user interface.

Why isn't there a movie player that supports encoded DVDs?

Movie player applications on SUSE LINUX are unable to play a number of movie file formats, especially movie DVDs. Due to patented codecs and copy protection, SUSE is not allowed to deliver full-featured movie players with the distribution.

SUSE LINUX User Guide 9.3