9.4. Managing To-Do Items and Events

On the KDE desktop, to-dos (tasks) and events (appointments) are managed with KOrganizer. Start the application from the main menu, with the command korganizer, or as part of Kontact. After enabling the calendar and the to-do conduit of KPilot, set some configuration options before using them.

Figure 9.2. KPilot Configuration

KPilot Configuration

KOrganizer stores its files in the directory ~/.kde/share/apps/korganizer. However, given that the directory .kde/ begins with a dot, it may not be shown by the file selection dialog. In this case, enter the complete path manually or explicitly toggle the display of hidden files (dot files) in the file selection dialog. The default shortcut for this is F8.

After opening the directory ~/.kde/share/apps/korganizer, select a file that can be used as a calendar file by KOrganizer. In this example, this is the file palm.ics. In the case of a user called tux, the complete path and filename would be /home/tux/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/palm.ics, as shown in Figure 9.3, “Dialog Showing the Path to a KOrganizer Calendar File”.

Figure 9.3. Dialog Showing the Path to a KOrganizer Calendar File

Dialog Showing the Path to a KOrganizer Calendar File

KOrganizer should not be running when data is being exchanged with the handheld. Otherwise KPilot fails to carry out the sync operation.

SUSE LINUX User Guide 9.3